Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm interested in the way people think about homosexuality. I want to know if you're against it, neutral or pro. I want to know if you have some experiences you'd want to share. Do you have prejudices or sertain attitudes towards homosexuals? I would like to hear your opinion on them and/or homophobics as well. Also, I have to ask you to argue your points as well. I am also not searching for sertain answers, I want to hear YOUR opinion. I also want that EVERYONE answers in some way, please. You can comment anynomously if you want. And you can be against the whole idea, I only want to hear different thoughts. Please share and give a link to this blog to people, I want to hear as many answers as possible.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Yaoi fangirls. Everyone knows how they can be. Creating yaoi pairs everywhere, and imagining yaoi things from everything and nosebleeding all the time. Yes, some of them are like that. But not all. AND not all yaoi fangirls like the fact that the smaller/younger/prettier are overly femalish. I personally dislike it.

The relationship where the other is very manly, strong and large, and the other one is feminine, smaller and pretty(and possibly and usually weak) is the situation of HETEROSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP. Really. Yes. I believe most yaoi fangirls are just princibally yaoi fangirls. They just like sex, and they like men, so they add those two together, but they really don't like watching two, realistic and manyl, men making out. Nope, the other one needs to be weak and feminine, like the girl in heterosexual relationships. Yes, it's true. But then again, someone could point at me and call me similiar with them, because I prefer DenNor over DenSu. And for those who don't know, in DenNor the other side is kind of pretty and, well smaller than the other, and then again in DenSu both of the men are quite manly. BUT! In my situation, there's this big difference that I don't over femininize the smaller party in DenNor. I like them semi-manly, BOTH of them. Thank you. I hate it when the other side is overly feminine. It almost disgusts me.

THEN. There's the question of anal sex. I couldn't find any ferification for the multiple sources saying that homosexual men have quite little anal sex, even less than heterosexual men and women. I tried, I really did, to find official studies or researches or something about it. But I couldn't find anything. So you'll just have to trust my word, or google yourselves, homosexuals are not all about anal sex!  English Wikipedia said that the reason why some of homosexuals, or men who have sdex with men, don't like anal sex, because it makes the homosexual relationship seem more heterosexual!  Then of course there's the fact that concerns both homo and heterosexuals, IT HURTS. Well, if performed badly, of course. Iit's well executed, it's quite fine.

Here we can get to the next part of me saying what's wrong with yaoi. When there is anal sex, and let me tell you, there's no aoi without anal sex pretty much, it's done fast, without lubrication and without checking wheter there's something in the rectum or not. Okay the last part I understand and accept to be left out, really, it could be quite a mood downer >_> But yes, so, why no lubrication? Well there are sometimes little saliva, but that isn't nearly enough. I mean, come on! Rectum doesn't excrete anything that would make it slimy and slippery like vagina. It's an anatomical fact, as it the thing that men can't get pregnant I don't get mpregs, I really don't. It makes the thing even MORE feminine. It's like... A guy, and a very tomboyish girl, who exercises much, therefore no breasts, and HUGE clitoris. That's just... come oooon. But yes, moving on. Then there's the fastness of it all. Don't they think that they'd get more out of it if it went slower? No they don't and yes they would. And it would be more realistic. But I will end my rant here tonight.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everyone knows how love is completely and overly romanticised. No wonder, love is the freaking source of romance... in a sence right? Well... Love has been described with physical feelings, hot, blushing, beating hard and so on. Yes they are all things that usually happen when you're in love. You're madly in love, straight from Finnish, you're headlessly in love. Love is blind. I believe the romantic interpretation is that sligh wrong doings, hugging another, or even kissing, doesn't bother the realy love am I correct? Well, love really, literally and overpowerily is blind.

For some reason, which I do not know, you're completely blind to the other's errors when you're "madly" in love. It's a phase. It'll pass. Still, most desire just that, "madly in love" kind of feeling. Why? Because it somehow is completely different form the normal routines? Yes, it is. Because then you don't need to live the normal boring life? It's still boring, you just can't see it. If you define love as that "Madly in love" feeling, you'll never find endless love. It always passes... In some countries, still, the marriages are set up. They don't look for the "madly in love"-feeling. They look for understanding and respect, which usually, to my belief, grows into love. The real love, you know other's errors, but still love that person, want to be with him/her.

Love IS drug. It's not 'like' drug. It IS. It secretes(?) the same neurotransmitters as some drugs. It creates LOADS of dopamine, the thing that makes you feel nice. Why does love make that happen? I have no idea. I'd like to know though. So, everyone who's been in love, can't say they haven't been on drugs. Yup, we're all drugaddicts. We all grave for love, well, almost everyone of course.

Love makes people act in weird ways, doesn't it? Friends who you've held SO close and important, suddenly don't feel so important anymore, you just want to be with the one you love. Love is just an excuse to stalk people isn't it? Think about it. Those who have been in love, especially, you might stalk what that person does, where he/she goes, what they like and so on. You might want things just to remind yourselves of them, their smell is like exstacy and you just grave to feel their touch. If it wasn't because of love, doesn't that sound like a stalker? A very, scary stalker. But if you're in love, i's NORMAL! Funny isn't it?

But ultimately, as a victim of love, I can't complain. I like it. At times of course... Being without my love is excruciating isn't it? But the times you're with that person.... You're in the freaking 10th heaven.